PhDr. Jaroslav Žďára
Faculty of Health Studies, University of Pardubice
Prumyslova 395, Pardubice 532 10, Czech Republic
Faculty of Military Health Sciences, University of Defence
Department of Military Medical Service Organisation and Management
Trebesska 1575, Hradec Kralove 500 01, Czech Republic
Email:, tel. +420-973-255-122
Professional background:
Jaroslav Zdara was formally trained in Nursing, completing his bachelor’s degree in General Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove, Charles University, Czech Republic (2006), master’s degree in General Nursing, Faculty of Health Studies, University of St. Elisabeth University of Health Care and Social Work, Slovakia (2009) and PhDr. at the Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia (2011). He specializes in anesthesiology and intensive care at National center of Nursing and Non-medical Health Care in Brno (2013). He worked as a nurse in three foreign operations in Afghanistan.
At present he is a PhD student of the nursing program at the University of Pardubice. His PhD research focuses on the optimization of the work activities of the staff of the Department of Urgent Medicine of the University Hospital Hradec Králové, with the primary emphasis on the non-medical staff of this department.
Since 2014 he teaches at the bachelor and master level and conducts nursing and military health care research at the Department of Military Medical Service Organisation and Management, University of Defense, Czech Republic and since 2018 he cooperates with the teaching of the University of Pardubice.
In his work he deals with the issue of nurse’s management and application of modern nursing into the military environment.
Research Interests:
- Management of nursing work
- Quality of life of war veterans
- Organization and tactics of military medical units
Selected Publications:
ŽĎÁRA J. Community Nursing - the Specifics of Care for War Veterans According to the Taxonomy of
NANDA - I. Military Medical Science Letters (Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy)2019;88:1–14.
VASEK, T., ZDARA, J., SUCHANEK, Z., LASAK, P., FAJFROVA, J. The impact of catering on the health and life satisfaction of coalition soldiers during their deployment on a military operation. Military Medical Science Letters (Vojenske Zdravotnicke Listy) 2019;88(4), pp. 188-194
Web of science
VASEK, T., ZDARA, J., SUCHANEK, Z. Catering of coalition soldiers during the deployment on a military operation and the impact on their life satisfaction. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 2019;165(5), pp. 380
KARASOVÁ, J.Ž., ŽĎÁRA, J. Non-lethal chemical weapons – Irritating substances, biological effect and treatment | [Neletální chemické zbraně – Dráždivé látky, jejich účinek na lidský organismus a léčba symptomů] Chemicke Listy 2018;112(6), pp. 359-365
Other publication
ŽĎÁRA, J., RŮŽIČKA, M., VAŠEK, T., DRAHOKOUPILOVÁ, E. Historický vývoj působení sester v rámci zdravotnického zabezpečení bojujících vojsk. Slovak Journal of Health Sciences. 2018;9(1), 53-72. ISSN 1338-161X.
ŽĎÁRA, J., MAŇHALOVÁ, J., DRAHOKOUPILOVÁ, E., POTÁČ, M. Psychological investigation of nurses from the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University Hospital in Hradec Kralove. In: 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017,, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings. Albena: SGEM, 2017, vol. 3, no. Book 3. p. 557-566. ISBN 978-619-7408-20-1. ISSN 2367-5659.
ŽĎÁRA, J., RŮŽIČKA, M., POTÁČ, M., DRAHOKOUPILOVÁ, E., FUSEK, J. Principles of modern nursing applied to conditions of real deployment of troops on the frontline of an armed conflict. In: 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2017,, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings. Albena, Bulgaria: SGEM, 2017, vol. 3, no. Book 3. p. 517-524. ISBN 978-619-7408-20-1. ISSN 2367-5659.
VAŠEK, T., ŽĎÁRA, J., SUCHÁNEK, Z. Life satisfaction and the impact of well-being on the health of coalition soldiers during the deployment on a military operation. In: SGEM Conference on Social Sciences, 2018. Conference proceeding. Sofia: STEF92 TECHNOLOGY, 2018, vol. 5, no. 3.3. p. 347-354. ISBN 978-619-7408-55-3. ISSN 2367-5659.
ŽĎÁRA, J., VAŠEK, T., SUCHÁNEK, Z., RŮŽIČKA, M. Aspects of work in the field hospital of Army of the Czech Republic. In: SGEM Conference on Social Sciences, 2018. Conference proceeding. Sofia: STEF92 TECHNOLOGY, 2018, vol. 5, no. 3.3. p. 43-49. ISBN 978-619-7408-55-3. ISSN 2367-5659.