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doc. RNDr. ThLic. Karel Sládek, Ph.D., MBA
phone: +420 466 037 730

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7532-4400
Web of Science Researcher ID: DWL-6507-2022
Scopus Author Identifier: 38261555900
ResearchGate Profile: Karel Sládek ResearchGate
Google Scholar Profile: Karel Sládek Google Scholar

Research Interests:
3. Medical and Health Sciences
3.3 Health Sciences / 30311 Medical Ethics

6. Humanities and the Arts
6.3 Philosophy, Ethics and Religion

Research Background:
The scientific and creative focus of Karel Sládek is in the areas of the relationship between spirituality, psychology, (bio)ethics and psychosomatics. Since his doctoral studies, the analysis of the relationship between mental health, ethical behaviour and psychosomatics has been the focus of his work. He first explored the issue on a theoretical level, mainly through authors who dealt with religious philosophy and spirituality. In their lives and works, he sought to highlight moments of the importance of spirituality and ethical therapy about health and illness.  

Throughout his scientific career, he increasingly focused on applied ethics, where bioethics became the focus of his work, and continued basic research in spirituality and psychosomatics. Before working at the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Pardubice, he worked at Charles University and the University of Hradec Kralove. At the Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University, he supervised the Applied Ethics programme, and in his teaching and scientific activities, he was involved in the study of applied ethics, medical ethics, environmental ethics, ethics of animal relations and ethical issues of artificial intelligence. At the Faculty of Education of the Jagiellonian University, he also focused on the spiritual and personal development of helping professionals and social work ethics.  

At the Faculty of Health Studies at UPCE, he continues to pursue these areas. He focuses on basic medical and healthcare ethics research and the interconnection of spirituality, psychology and psychosomatics. In the future, he would like to pursue these areas at the applied research and practice level.

International Cooperation:
prof. ThDr. Marek Petro, PhD., Prešovská univerzita, Prešov, Slovakia
Sarah B. Vittone, DBe, MSN, MA, RN, Associate Professor at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA

• 2022–2024  KEGA project Creation of materials for undergraduate study of relevant ethical values with a focus on the all-round and sustainable development of society (co-investigator on behalf of FHS UPCE)

• 2019–2020 V4 project 4 Semiological, historical and cultural aspects of national identity on the example of the Visegrad Group countries. An attempt to find unity in diversity (co-director on behalf of Catholic Faculty of Charles University, Prague) 

Published Outcomes:
Karel Sládek, Eva Hlaváčková, Kateřina Horáčková, Jana Wichsová, Význam soucitu u nelékařských zdravotnických profesí, in Kol. aut., Soucit v medicíně. Praha: Grada, 2023, s. 265-272. 

Karel Sládek, Virtue Ethics in Medical Practice during the Covid-19 Pandemic. AUC Theologica 2022 – Vol. 12, No. 1, s. 161–173. 

Karel Sládek, An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Challenges of Patient Care in the Post-Covid-19 Era. Acta Missiological 1/2022, s. 41-51. 

Karel Sládek, Spiritualita lékaře a bioetika. Praha/Kroměříž 2021. 

Karel Sládek, Viliam Kopecký, Spiritualita a psychosomatika. Červený Kostelec 2017. 

Awards Received:
The Rector's Prize of Charles University for a significant publication achievement: Karel Sládek, Nikolai Lossky: a defender of mystical intuition. The Life and Work of Nikolai Lossky in the First Republic and Wartime (Divided) Czechoslovakia. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2012.

A complete list of publications and projects can be found on Karel Sládek´s profile on UPCE.CZ.