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Mgr. Eva Hlaváčková, Ph.D.
phone: 466 037 725

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0792-4567
Web of Science Researcher ID: I-7176-2017
Scopus Author Identifier: 36537053800
ResearchGate Profile: Eva Hlaváčková ResearchGate
Google Scholar Profile: Eva Hlaváčková Google Scholar

Research Interests:
3. Medical and Health Sciences
30307 Nursing

Research Background:
In her scientific and creative activities, Eva Hlaváčková focuses mainly on the psychological, social and spiritual context of nursing care, its quality and safety. She is interested in the soft skills of health care professionals and life story work in nursing care. She prefers qualitative research.

As a consultant to PhD students in recent years, she has focused on the quality of care for patients with acute post-operative pain and the quality of care from the perspective of hospitalised children.  

Within the framework of the TAČR project Competent Nurse for the 21st Century: Analysis and Proposal for Optimization of Education of General Nurses, she was involved as a co-principal investigator in research focused on the satisfaction of Czech general nurses with the performance of the profession, the development of a methodology for determining and predicting the number of general nurses needed to provide health care in the context of demographic changes in the Czech Republic and the software application of the competency model, which allows to set and re-evaluate the key competencies of non-medical health professions.

The Close Cooperation with Parents of Premature Babies project, running since 2019, focuses on supporting and developing the skills of health professionals to set up partnership cooperation with parents and to apply the principles of Family Centered Care (partnership, collaboration, information sharing, co-decision making, respect) in practice.

International cooperation:
Close collaboration project with parents of preterm infants with Turku University and Turku University Hospital, Finland.

Close Collaboration with Parents (2019–now), Rotary Global Grant GG1986472 (co-investigator).

Competent nurse for the 21st century: analysis and proposal for optimization of education and performance of the profession of general nurses. TAČR SIGMA. 2018-2021.  

Published Outcomes:
HOLÁ, J., MORAVCOVÁ, M., HLAVÁČKOVÁ, E. a ČERVENKOVÁ Z. 2024. Management kompetencí v ošetřovatelství. Univerzita Pardubice. ISBN 978-80-7560-517-7.  

Sládek, K., Hlaváčková, E., Horáčková, K., & Wichsová, J. 2023. Význam soucitu u nelékařských zdravotnických profesí. In Soucit v medicíně (1. vyd., s. 7). Praha: GRADA Publishing a.s. ISBN 978-80-247-4926-6. 

Moravcová, M., Hlaváčková, E., & Holá, J. 2022. Experience of General Nurses with the Conditions of Practicing the Profession in Czech Hospitals. Health & Caring, 1(1), 1-15. ISSN 2788-0931. 

Glajchová, A., Hlaváčková, E., Holá, J., & Moravcová, M. 2021. Job satisfaction of general nurses in standard and intensive care units: “The nurse is a jack-of-all-trades!” Kontakt, 23(4), 289-296. ISSN 1212-4117. 

Černohorská, I., Hlaváčková, E., & Hodačová, L. 2021. Česká verze dotazníku Child Care Quality at Hospital. Ošetrovateľstvo a pôrodná asistencia, 1(01/2021), 51-56. ISSN 1336-183X.

A complete list of publications and projects can be found on Eva Hlaváčková´s profile on UPCE.CZ.