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Mgr. Jan Pospíchal, Ph.D.
phone: +420 466 037 800

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5680-7124
Web of Science Researcher ID: GRE-8749-2022
Scopus Author Identifier: 57201975882
ResearchGate Profile: Jan Pospíchal ResearchGate
Google Scholar Profile: Jan Pospíchal Google Scholar

Research Interests:
3. Medical and Health Sciences
30201 Cardiac and Cardiovascular systems
30307 Nursing / 30308 Nutrition, Dietetics 

Research Background:
Jan Pospíchal's scientific and creative focus stems from cardiology nursing, where he focused on assessing the quality of life in patients with coronary artery disease during his doctoral studies in Nursing (PhD 2018). Since 2013, he has been teaching cardiology and intensive care in bachelor's and master's degree programmes and conducting research in the field of nursing at the Department of Clinical Disciplines, Faculty of Health Studies, University of Pardubice. At the same time, he works at the Medical Rescue Service of the Pardubice Region.

His research focuses on nursing care in cardiology and intensive care. The main focus is on assessing the knowledge of professionals and undergraduate students in the field of cardiology. 

Jan Pospíchal is currently a member of the scientific team led by Mgr. Vít Blanař, Ph.D., who is working on the improvement of nutritional care in nursing. He focuses in particular on the possibilities of early diagnosis of energy or protein-energy malnutrition, evaluation of nursing interventions in the context of nutritional care and assessment of nurses' and non-medical health workers' knowledge about malnutrition. New research directions include linking nutritional assessment of geriatric patients with taste testing using taste foils developed by another research team at the FZS UPCE and nutritional assessment in specific patient groups. Changes in taste have been demonstrated in geriatric inpatients, which may be related to reduced food intake or an undesirable preference for certain foods. This fact opens new research directions concerning food modification in relation to patients' taste preferences. 

International Cooperation:
Dr. Doris Eglseer, MSc., BBSc., Department of Nursing Science, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Dr. Silvia Bauer, MSc, BSc., Department of Nursing Science, Medical University of Graz, Austria

Programme: AKTION (2023) Taste changes in the elderly and their association with malnutrition.

Programme: TACR GAMA 2 (2021-2022) Taste testing during the COVID pandemic using telemedicine (GAMA2-03/004, TP0110012).

Published Outcomes:
BLANAR, Vit; POSPICHAL, Jan; EGLSEER, Doris; GROFOVÁ, Zuzana Kala a BAUER, Silvia, 2024. Evaluation of Malnutrition Knowledge among Nursing Staff in the Czech Republic: A Cross-Sectional Psychometric Study. Online. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. S. 1-10. ISSN 1040-1334. Dostupné z: 

BAUER, Silvia; POSPICHAL, Jan; HUPPERTZ, Viviënne; BLANAR, Vit; SAKA, Bulent et al., 2023. Malnutrition knowledge among nursing staff in four European countries: A cross-sectional study. Online. Nurse Education Today. Roč. 128. ISSN 02606917. Dostupné z: 

CHRÁSTECKÁ, Marie; BLANAŘ, Vít a POSPÍCHAL, Jan, 2023. Risk of malnutrition assessment in hospitalised adults: A scoping review of existing instruments. Online. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Roč. 32, č. 13-14, s. 3397-3411. ISSN 0962-1067. Dostupné z: 

Lierová A, Milanová M, Pospíchal J, Novotný J, Storm J, Andrejsová L, Šinkorová Z. Biological effects of low-dose radiation from CT imaging. Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2022 Aug 22;198(9-11):514-520. Dostupné z: 

Matějka J, Varvařovský I, Tužil J, Doležal T, Bobak M, Pospíchal J, Geier P, Vondrák J, Bláha K, Málek J, Staňková A, Bujdák J, Rozsíval V, Novotný V, Lazarák T, Plíva M, Večeřa J, Vojtíšek P. 2021. Accession Site Does Not Influence the Risk of Stroke after Diagnostic Coronary Angiography or Intervention: Results from a Large Prospective Registry. Cerebrovasc Dis Extra. Vol. 11, No 3. pp. 122-130. Dostupné z:

A complete list of publications and projects can be found on Jan Pospíchal´s profile on UPCE.CZ.