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The influence of diabetes diagnostic and therapeutic methods on the metabolic control and the quality of life

Provider: Univerzita Pardubice
Programme: Studentská grantová soutěž
Implementation period: 01.01.11 - 31.12.11
Workplace: Fakulta zdravotnických studií - Katedra klinických oborů
Investigator: Doležalová Barbora
The project had two parts: the first assesed the influence of exercise on the glycemic control, the second investigated the subjective perception of continuous glucose monitoring. 1. "Move your diabetes!" Physical activity projct for diabetic patients. Exercise, together with diet and pharmacotherapy, has been considered fundamental in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. Though, only few diabetics practise regular physical activity. The ?Move your diabetes!? project provided a safe and effective form of exercise for 17 overweight or obese type 2 diabetics. The blood sugar levels and the subjective fitness perception improved during the project. 2. The subjective perception of continuous glucose monitoring. The continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is recommended for a long term use in type 1 diabetic patients. CGM can also be used in diabetics with nocturnal hypoglycaemia, dawn phenomenon, postprandial hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia unawareness, and in significant changes to diabetes regimen. The subjective perception of one-week CGM was estimated with a questionnaire. The CGM is percieved as troublesome by the patients who are older, with longer diabetes duration, worse glycaemic control, and lower education. Type 1 diabetic patients feel the lack of information about real-time glycaemia after completing CGM. The results of the survey are translated into clinical recommendation for education before the initiation of CGM.