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Safe peroperative care

Provider: Univerzita Pardubice
Programme: Studentská grantová soutěž
Implementation period: 01.01.18 - 31.12.18
Investigator: Wichsová Jana
Team member: Škvrňáková Jana | Taliánová Magda
The aim of the project is to identify the risks associated with the provision of perioperative care in selected healthcare facilities. These risks will be defined in accordance with evidence-based practice, so that the project output is a specific recommendation to minimize these risks. In the project, we draw on the Ministry of Health's sectoral safety objectives: RBC 3 - Prevention of wrong-site, wrong-patient and wrong-procedure errors, RBC 4 - Prevention of falls, RBC 5 - Implementation of optimal hygiene practices in health care provision. We are focused to scientific knowledge in perioperative care such as the importance of patient's perioperative normotherm and surgical smoke management in surgery. We will also be interested in hygienic- epidemiological regime as integral part of safe perioperative care.