Mgr. Jan Pospíchal, Ph.D.

- 466 037 800
Faculty of Health Studies
vice-deanFaculty of Health Studies
(70165)assistant professor -
Konzultační hodinyMonday: 8:00-11:00Thursday: 9:00-11:00
- Teaching
- Professional profile
- Publications
- Projects
FZS/AECG (2024) | G PR CV SE | |
FZS/AFAE (2024) | G - - - | |
FZS/AIP1 (2024) | G - - - | |
FZS/AIP2 (2024) | G - - - | |
FZS/AIP3 (2024) | G - - - | |
FZS/AIP4 (2024) | G - - - | |
FZS/APAN (2024) | - PR CV SE | |
KKO/K8AAP (2024) | - PR - - | |
KKO/K8AAP (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/K9KAO (2024) | - - CV - | |
KKO/P1PZZ (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/P2IPZ (2024) | G - CV - | |
KKO/P2PIZ (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/P2PZZ (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/P3INT (2024) | G - CV - | |
KKO/P3OPZ (2024) | G PR - - | |
KKO/P3PZZ (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/P4INT (2024) | G - CV - | |
KKO/P4PIZ (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/P4PZZ (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/P5INT (2024) | G - CV - | |
KKO/P5PZZ (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/P6BPP (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/P6PZZ (2024) | G - - - | |
KKO/V4SBP (2024) | G PR CV - | |
KKO/V5SBP (2024) | G PR CV - |
03. 04. 2025 | ||||
12:35-15:00 | ZD / 03050 | FZS | AECG | 7 |
07. 04. 2025 | ||||
10:45-13:20 | ZD / 35 | FZS | AECG | 7 |
09. 04. 2025 | ||||
15:05-17:30 | ZC / 22 | KKO | V4SBP | 22 |
10. 04. 2025 | ||||
07:10-08:45 | ZC / 22 | KKO | V4SBP | 22 |
11. 04. 2025 | ||||
08:00-10:35 | ZC / 22 | KKO | V4SBP | 22 |
12:35-15:00 | ZC / 23 | KKO | P4INT | 18 |
Education and academic qualifications
General nursing
Job overview
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Zastávaná pozice
všeobecná sestra se specializací
Zdravotnická záchranná služba Pardubického Kraje
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Do (rok)
Od (rok)
Do (rok)
Study and work stay
Vaasan Ammattikorkeakoulu
Délka pobytu
4,0 months
Účel pobytu
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Od (rok)
Od (rok)
Od (rok)
BLANAŘ, V. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - EGLSEER, D. - KALA GROFOVÁ, Z. - BAUER, S. Evaluation of Malnutrition Knowledge among Nursing Staff in the Czech Republic: A Cross-Sectional Psychometric Study Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 2024, vol. Neuveden, no. Březen 2024, s. 1-10. ISSN: 1040-1334. | |
ČÍŽKOVÁ, J. - DOLEŽAL, O. - BUCHTA, V. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - BLANAŘ, V. - ŠINKOROVÁ, Z. - CARRILLO, A. Golden era of radiosensitizers Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2024, vol. 2024, no. 12, s. 01-21. ISSN: 2297-1769. | |
BAUER, S. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - HUPPERTZ, V. - BLANAŘ, V. - BULENT, S. - DORIS, E. The Knowledge of Malnutrition—Geriatric (KoM-G) 2.0 Questionnaire for Health Care Institutions: Cross-Cultural Adaptation into German, Czech, Dutch and Turkish Nutrients, 2024, vol. 16, no. 9, s. 1-10. ISSN: 2072-6643. | |
BAUER, S. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - HUPPERTZ, V. - BLANAŘ, V. - SAKA, B. - EGLSEER, D. Malnutrition knowledge among nursing staff in four European countries: A cross-sectional study Nurse Education Today, 2023, vol. 2023, no. 128, s. 1-7. ISSN: 0260-6917. | |
CHRÁSTECKÁ, M. - BLANAŘ, V. - POSPÍCHAL, J. Risk of malnutrition assessment in hospitalised adults: A scoping review of existing instruments Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2023, vol. 32, no. 13-14, s. 2945-2950. ISSN: 0962-1067. | |
LIEROVÁ, A. - MILANOVÁ, M. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - NOVOTNÝ, J. - STORM, J. - ANDREJSOVÁ, L. - ŠINKOROVÁ, Z. Biological Effects of Low-Dose Radiation from CT Imaging Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2022, vol. 188, no. 9-11, s. 514-520. ISSN: 0144-8420. | |
MATĚJKA, J. - VARVAŘOVSKÝ, I. - TUŽIL, J. - DOLEŽAL, T. - BOBÁK, M. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - GEIER, P. - VONDRÁK, J. - BLÁHA, K. - MÁLEK, J. - STAŇKOVÁ, A. - BUJDÁK, J. - ROZSÍVAL, V. - NOVOTNÝ, V. - LAZARÁK, T. - PLÍVA, M. - VEČEŘA, J. - VOJTÍŠEK, P. Accession Site Does Not Influence the Risk of Stroke after Diagnostic Coronary Angiography or Intervention: Results from a Large Prospective Registry Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra, 2021, vol. 11, no. 3, s. 122-130. ISSN: 1664-5456. | |
KOPECKÝ, M. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - ČERVENKOVÁ, Z. - ČERNOHORSKÁ, I. Coping studentů oborů všeobecná sestra a zdravotnický záchranář Praktický lékař, 2020, vol. 2020, no. supplementum, s. 22-26. ISSN: 0032-6739. | |
POSPÍCHAL, J. Kvalita života pacientů se stabilní ischemickou chorobou srdeční. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2020. 126 s. ISBN: 978-80-7560-334-0. | |
PLIŠTILOVÁ, N. - ČERVENKOVÁ, Z. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - LIEROVÁ, A. Scintigrafická diagnostika febrilních stavů nejasného původu. In Studentský den nukleární medicíny : sborník abstraktů. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2020. | |
POSPÍCHAL, J. - VOJTÍŠEK, P. - BOBÁK, M. - MATĚJKA, J. A comparison of health-related quality of life and disease severity in patients with stable coronary artery disease Kontakt, 2018, vol. 20, no. 3, s. 256-262. ISSN: 1212-4117. | |
HOLEKOVÁ, J. - KALUŽOVÁ, K. - POSPÍCHAL, J. Efektivita rozložení sil dvou zachránců během resuscitace: Simulační studie Urgentní medicína, 2018, vol. 20, no. 3, s. 17 - 21. ISSN: 1212-1924. | |
POSPÍCHAL, J. - BLANAŘ, V. Faecal immunochemical screening tests for colorectal cancer: a single-centre case study from the Czech Republic Malta Journal of Health Sciences, 2016, vol. 3, no. 2, s. 46-51. ISSN: 2312-5705. | |
BLANAŘ, V. - POSPÍCHAL, J. Vím, že vím, aneb: Testy s mírou jistoty pro hodnocení znalostí studentů zdravotnických oborů Profese on-line, 2016, vol. 9, no. 1, s. 1-8. ISSN: 1803-4330. | |
POSPÍCHAL, J. - DOČEKALOVÁ, K. Nový materiál pro edukaci pacientů o plicní embolii. In Nové trendy ve zdravotnických vědách III.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, 2015. s. 59-64 s. ISBN 978-80-7414-993-1. | |
POSPÍCHAL, J. - BLANAŘ, V. - ŠKORNIČKOVÁ, Z. Screening kolorektálního karcinomu imunochemickými testy u žen. In Sborník z II. Mezinárodní konference Kvalita a její perspektivy s podtitulem: Péče o ženu a dítě. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2015. s. 124 - 129 s. ISBN 978-80-7395-895-4. | |
ŠKORNIČKOVÁ, Z. - KMENTOVÁ, K. - POSPÍCHAL, J. - BLANAŘ, V. Model kulturních kompetencí dle Purnella. In Sborník z II. Mezinárodní konference Kvalita a její perspektivy s podtitulem: Péče o ženu a dítě. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2015. s. 146-153 s. ISBN 978-80-7395-895-4. | |
POSPÍCHAL, J. - VOJTÍŠEK, P. - MATĚJKA, J. Quality of life in patients with stable coronary artery disease: a qualitative study. In Exploring new horizons in Nursing Science. Gratz: Medical University of Gratz, 2015. ISBN nemá. | |
DOČEKALOVÁ, K. - POSPÍCHAL, J. Nový materiál pro edukaci pacientů o plicní embolii. In Nové trendy ve zdravotnických vědách III.. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7414-965-8. | |
POSPÍCHAL, J. - BLANAŘ, V. - ŠKORNIČKOVÁ, Z. Screening kolorektálního karcinomu pomocí imunochemických testů. In Alžbeta Hanzlíková a rozvoj ošetrovateľstva. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2015. ISBN 978-80-89544-76-9. | |
POSPÍCHAL, J. - JEDLINSKÁ, M. Přítomnost vybraných rizikových faktorů pádu u hospitalizovaných geriatrických pacientů Praktický lékař, 2013, vol. 93, no. 1, s. 23-25. ISSN: 0032-6739. |
Assessment of nutritional status and taste in high-risk patients
01.03.25 - 29.02.28
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Health Studies
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.03.25 - 29.02.28
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Health Studies
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Support for Students of Master's Degree Programmes of the FHS of the University of Pardubice within the Student Scientific Conference of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Non-medical Disciplines
01.01.24 - 31.12.24
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.24 - 31.12.24
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Taste Alterations in Older Adults and its association to Malnutrition
01.07.23 - 31.12.23
Programme: Austria - AKTION
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.07.23 - 31.12.23
Programme: Austria - AKTION
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Survey of diagnostic and prognostic markers for early detection and treatment monitoring in patients with oropharyngeal cancer
01.03.22 - 28.02.25
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Health Studies
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.03.22 - 28.02.25
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Health Studies
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Psychological characteristics of FHS UPCE students
01.03.22 - 28.02.27
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Health Studies
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.03.22 - 28.02.27
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Health Studies
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Support of FHS PhD Students´ Research Activities in the Field of Healthcare Quality
01.01.22 - 31.12.22
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.22 - 31.12.22
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Skill lab for simulation medicine in professional education
01.01.22 - 30.11.22
Programme: Internal Development Fund 2022-2025
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.22 - 30.11.22
Programme: Internal Development Fund 2022-2025
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
INVENTHEI - INnoVation and ENTrepreneurship in HEIs
01.07.21 - 30.09.23
Programme: HE - Collaborative projects
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.07.21 - 30.09.23
Programme: HE - Collaborative projects
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Skill Lab
15.03.21 - 30.11.21
Programme: Internal Development Fund 2021
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator
15.03.21 - 30.11.21
Programme: Internal Development Fund 2021
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator
Determinants Impacting the Students´ Stress Levels
01.03.20 - 28.02.23
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Health Studies
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.03.20 - 28.02.23
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Health Studies
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
International Conference of Students? Ph.D. Study Programmes in Nursing
01.01.19 - 31.12.19
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.19 - 31.12.19
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Innovation of subjects focused on high fidelity simulations
01.01.19 - 30.11.19
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator
01.01.19 - 30.11.19
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator
Supporting PhD students at the Faculty of Health Studies
01.01.18 - 31.12.18
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.01.18 - 31.12.18
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
Innovation and internationalization
01.07.13 - 30.09.15
Programme: Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator
01.07.13 - 30.09.15
Programme: Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator