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Below you can find the guidelines for videorecording your presentation.

Option 1: Record with MS Teams in our university environment.

  • Please agree the recording date at
    • You will receive an e-mail with a link to a MS Teams meeting. Within this meeting, you will present your paper and we will record and process the presentation.
  • Note: You will be required enter our MS Teams in web browser or in downloaded application. A PowerPoint slide deck needs to be provided 24 hours prior to the recording.

Option 2: Record on your own time, and submit to us before March 31th, 2021.

  • If you have a tight schedule, this may be a better alternative for our short preparation time.
  • We suggest using the Zoom application, please see below for step-by-step instructions.
    1. OPEN ZOOM (Download from browser).
    2. Turn on Camera and Microphone (select appropriate devices), make sure both are working properly.
    3. Select the “Share Screen” icon at the bottom of the Zoom window.
    4. Pin your video so that you can be seen as you present, this will be captured in the recording (At the top of your meeting window, hover over the video of yourself and click “...” From the menu, click Pin).
    5. Pull up your PowerPoint slidedeck, open it in “Presenter Mode”, so any notes or desktop items are hidden.
    6. Press “Record…to this computer” on the bottom navigation bar. When you are finished recording, press the Record button, again, to end it. The video will convert your Zoom session to an mp4 file when it is ended (this may take a several minutes).
    7. When the conversion is finished, please use the naming convention to name your Zoom MP4 recording: LastName_FirstName_PresentationFinal.mp4.
    8. You can then submit that MP4 file either to or via the Google Drive link: Submitted Presentations.

On camera requirements

Please make sure you:

-dress appropriately, business attire

-center Webcam at eye level, not pointing up at the ceiling or down at the floor

-adjust front lighting on speaker, not back or side lighting

PowerPoint Specifications

  1. No embedded videos –if you would like to show a video it needs to be a at least 15 seconds long, with an audio track (audio track can be blank)
  2. PowerPoint 2007 or later, 4:3 size, .ppt or .pptx3. There is no “pointer” in the MS Teams.  Please use animations (bold font, boxes, highlights, etc.) in your slides in lieu of pointer
  3. Font Size: Your font size should be at least 28 point or higher. Anything smaller could be difficult for the audience to read, even on full screen slides.
    1. Supported Fonts: A list of supported fonts can be access here:

Live System Requirements

  1. Your presentation will be done from a computer with a hardwired internet connection; you will also need a webcam and computer microphone.
  2. For your network connection, it is much better to use a hardwired internet connection, not wifi. High network bandwidth and hardwired = high quality, smooth, successful presentations.
  3. You must NOT be on any company VPN connection from your home office or other location.