Skill Lab
Provider: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Programme: Interní rozvojový fond 2021
Implementation period: 15.03.21 - 30.11.21
Fakulta zdravotnických studií - Katedra klinických oborů
Investigator: Pospíchal JanTeam member: Kopecký Michal | Holeková Jindra | Horáčková Kateřina
Project focused mainly on increasing the preparedness of students to solve new unexpected problems (acute conditions, teamwork, team communication, etc.) is Skill Lab. It includes effective training in solving specific problems in real practice.
Project focused mainly on increasing the preparedness of students to solve new unexpected problems (acute conditions, teamwork, team communication, etc.) is Skill Lab. It includes effective training in solving specific problems in real practice.