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Pedální bypass-výkon zachraňující kriticky ohroženou končetinu.
Autoři: Daněk | Havlíček Karel | Maixner | Dejdar
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Slovenský chirurg
Název nakladatele: MUDr.Lubomír Marko,THK 25,974 01 Banská Bystrica
Místo vydání: Banská Bystrica
Strana od-do: 19-21
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Pedální bypass-výkon zachraňující kriticky ohroženou končetinu. Pedální bypass-výkon zachraňující kriticky ohroženou končetinu. Pedální bypass, ohrožená končetina
eng Pedal bypass-saving operation for ischaemic low extremity disease Authors rewieved 20 patients who underwent pedal bypass for ischaemic low extremity disease in stage of rest pain and trofic defects from January 1999 do December 2002.The autologous grafts from ipsilateral or contralateral great saphenous vein were used.Bypass in situ werw performed in l4 cases,reversed technique was used in 8 cases.Twelve months primary patency was 45%,secondary patency 59%.Pacients who underwent pedal bypass should be followed regularly and complications must be treated urgently surgicaly or radiologicaly.Such care for bypasses brings acceptable time of patency and saving of low extremity. Authors rewieved 20 patients who underwent pedal bypass for ischaemic low extremity disease in stage of rest pain and trofic defects from January 1999 do December 2002.The autologous grafts from ipsilateral or contralateral great saphenous vein were used.Bypass in situ werw performed in l4 cases,reversed technique was used in 8 cases.Twelve months primary patency was 45%,secondary patency 59%.Pacients who underwent pedal bypass should be followed regularly and complications must be treated urgently surgicaly or radiologicaly.Such care for bypasses brings acceptable time of patency and saving of low extremity. Authors rewieved 20 patients who underwent pedal bypass for ischaemic low extremity disease in stage of rest pain and trofic defects from January 1999 do December 2002.The autologous grafts from ipsilateral or contralateral great saphenous vein were used.Bypass in situ werw performed in l4 cases,reversed technique was used in 8 cases.Twelve months primary patency was 45%,secondary patency 59%.Pacients who underwent pedal bypass should be followed regularly and complications must be treated urgently surgicaly or radiologicaly.Such care for bypasses brings acceptable time of patency and saving of low extremity. Authors rewieved 20 patients who underwent pedal bypass for ischaemic low extremity disease in stage of rest pain and Pedal bypass, ischaemic low extremity disease