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Diagnostika a léčba karcinomu prsu v Krajské nemocnici Pardubice.
Autoři: Havlíček Karel | Šťastný | Červinka
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Slovenský chirurg
Název nakladatele: MUDr.Lubomír Marko,THK 25,974 01 Banská Bystrica
Místo vydání: Banská Bystrica
Strana od-do: 12-18
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Diagnostika a léčba karcinomu prsu v Krajské nemocnici Pardubice. Diagnostika a léčba karcinomu prsu Diagnostika a léčba karcinomu prsu
eng Diagnostics and Treatment of Bresz Cancor in Pardubice Hospital The incidence of breast cancer is worldwide increasing. Diagnostics of breast lesions is based on Tripple assessment- ?clinical examination, mammograms and ultrasound and biopsy of the lesion. Surgical treatment tends to less radical operations like breast saving procedures and sentinel lymph node detection. Radiotherapy is necessary for local control of the tumor. Adjuvant chemotherapy starts up to 24-48 hours after operation. To reach good standard in treatment of breast cancer is indispensable interdisciplinar cooperation and specialization. Screening is expected to improve early breast cancer stages detection. Key words: incidence-early stages-Tripple assessment?breast saving procedures-sentinel lymph node biopsy-radiotherapy-chemotherapy?interdisciplinary cooperation-specialization?screening brest cancer