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Our eight-year experience with cricothyroid approximation in transsexual male to female patients.
Autoři: Pellant Arnošt | Chrobok Viktor | Praisler Jaroslav | Šram František | Švec Jan | Frič Marek | Mrklovský Milan
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Abstracts book 7. German-Czech ENT meeting in Jena/Bad Berka
Název nakladatele: Friedrich Schiller University
Místo vydání: Jena
Strana od-do: 12
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Naše osmileté zkušenosti s krikotyroidní aproximací u transsexuálních nemocných pacientů. Autoři poukazují na své osmileté zkušenosti v oblasti krikotyroidní aproximace u transsexuálních nemocných pacientů.
eng Our eight-year experience with cricothyroid approximation in transsexual male to female patients. The Authors Evaluated their Experiences With Thyroplasty Type IV (Cricothyroid Approximation) According to Isshiki in aA Group of Fifteen Transsexual Male to Female Patients. For Approximation of Thyroid and Cricoid Cartilages the Suture Material Chiraflon USP 1 was Used. Compared to the Classical Isshiki Method Thyroplasty Type IV Every Stitch was Turned Around the Cricoid Arch Without Perforatingt Cricoid Cartilage Similarly As Done in the Zeitels Technique of Cricothyroid Subluxation. The Authors Evaluated Pre and Postoperative Changes in Position of Thyroid and Cricoid Cartilage and The Change in The Length of the Vocal Folds with Use of MR Imaging. The Average Fundamental Frequency of Speaking Voice was 120.4 Hz Before Surgery wnd 165,4 Hz One Week After Surgery. Cricothyroid Approximatio;Transsexual Male to Female;Speaking Voice Frequency;MR Imaging