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Self-expanding stents in benign stenosis of hypopharynx after total laryngectomy.
Autoři: Bártová Iva | Černý Michal | Pellant Arnošt | Vyhnálek Petr
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - sborník, kniha s editory
Název zdroje: Abstracts book 7. German-Czech ENT meeting in Jena/Bad Berka
Název nakladatele: Friedrich Schiller University
Místo vydání: Jena
Strana od-do: 5
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Samo-rozpínací stent stent v benigní stenose hypopharyngu po totální laryngectomii
eng Self-expanding stents in benign stenosis of hypopharynx after total laryngectomy. Stenosis of hypopharynx in patients after total laryngectomy is not often (2%) but very limited condition for normal quality of life. Stenosis is in the lowest part of pharynx. The onset is slow (weeks, months) and has a typical image. Development is more frequent in patients with hypopharyngeal tumors, after actinotherapy and/or complicated wound healing. In diagnosis we use anamnesis, hypopharyngoscopy, contrast skiascopic evaluation and endoscopy. In therapy we usually use modification of food consistency and dilatation with bougies or balloons. Reconstruction with musculocutaneous flaps or application of the stent is another possibility. We observed 52 patients after total laryngectomy (01/03-01/07) and the clinically significant stenosis occurred in 3 patients. In one patient we had a good effect with bougie dilatations. In two patients we decided to apply the stent due to the fact dilatations were not successful. We used self-expanding covered S-niti stent 150x18mm that is according to literature used in benign hypopharyngeal stenosis. Occlusion with granulation tissue and food, migration of the stent and development of tracheooesophageal fistula are the most common complications of stent insertion. In both our patients serious complications occurred (occlusion, tracheooesophageal fistula). Our experience suggests the insertion of stents in benign hypopharyngeal stenosis can not be recommended. Stents still remain suitable as a palliative modality in malignant tumours of lower parts of oesophagus. Total laryngectomy;Stents;Stenosis