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Test-retest reliability of three screening olfactory tests.
Autoři: Vodička Jan | Suchá K
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - sborník, kniha s editory
Název zdroje: Abstrakt Novembertagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Olfaktologie und Gustologie
Místo vydání: Mannheim
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Validizace vyšetření čichu pomocí tří skríningových testů olfaktometrie.
eng Test-retest reliability of three screening olfactory tests. Introduction: Screening tests of olfactory function seem to be useful in clinical practice for purpose of fast evaluation of smell ability. Compare to more comprehensive olfactory tests, reliability of such tests is expected to be low. Therefore, we decided to evaluate test-retest reliability of three screening olfactory tests: 3-item test, 12-item test (both originate from identification part of Sniffin´ Sticks) and OMT (Odorized Markers Test). Materials and method: In total 90 subjects were tested (mean age was 40?SD 21.2). 47 were healthy, 24 patients suffered from sinonasal disease, 4 had postviral olfactory loss, 5 posttraumatic olfactory loss and 10 subjects suffer from other disease with impact on olfaction. All participants were tested using first 3-item Sniffin´ Sticks, afterwards OMT and finally 12-item Sniffin´ Sticks test. Approximately 2 days after first testing all three tests were used again in the same subjects. Pearson´s coefficient was used to evaluate correlation of all three tests mutually and to evaluate test-retest reliability of each test. ANOVA was used to compare tests in relation to subjective assessment of olfaction and to etiology of the smell impairment. Results: All three tests were correlated with each other. Test-retest correlations of each test were also significant, reaching from 0.75 (3-item test) to 0.85 (12-item test, OMT). All test results were negatively correlated with age. All tests discriminated between subjects´ ratings of smell impairment (normosmia, hyposmia, and anosmia) on a group level, moreover 12-item and OMT on an individual level. Considering etiology of olfactory loss, all tests discriminated significantly on a group level. On the level of individual patients the 12-item test discriminated best. Conclution: This study showed good test-retest reliability of three screening olfactory tests. Results of all three tests were in mutual correlation. Test-retest Reliability;OMT;3-item Sniffin? Sticks;12-item Sniffin? Sticks; Olfactometry.