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Reconstruction of Orbital Floor Fracture in a 4-year old Child with use of Pelvicol - Case Report
Autoři: Chrobok Viktor | Pellant Arnošt | Novák Jan | Brožík Jan
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: 5th EUFOS
Název nakladatele: neuveden
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Rekonstrukce spodiny očnice u 4letého dítěte s pomocí Pelvicolu. The most frequent fractures of orbital walls are those of orbital floor. Such fractures can be divided into transmarginal and retromarginal. There are two theories of etiology: hydraulic compression of the eyeball causes increase of intraorbital pressure and leads to a fracture of the thinnest bone (blow out) or force to lower orbital rim transfers pressure to the orbital floor and results in its fracture. A 4-year-old girl run in a garden and hit her face against an agricultural machine. There was no period of unconsciousness. Subsequently she started to bleed from her nose and a hematoma of the left lower eyelid and the left cheek appeared. A CT examination of orbits and paranasal sinuses in the coronal plane revealed a retromarginal fracture of the orbital floor with herniation of soft tissues into the maxillary antrum. An ophthalmologist did not find impaired visual acuity, movements of eyeballs were not restricted and the child did not report diplopia. After, remission of swellings, 6 th day after the injury, a surgery was performed. An incision was made transconjuctivally with a lateral canthotomy, bone fragments of the orbital floor and a tear of orbital periosteum were identified. No marginal fracture of orbit was found. Soft orbital tissues were elevated from the maxillar antrum and supported by an absorbable collagenous net (Pelvicol). The forced duction test prior to and after reduction proved the absence of extraocular restriction of ocular muscles. The incision was sutured. The child after surgery does not suffer any ailments, the visual acuity is not impaired, eyeballs movements are not restricted and diplopia is not present. The check MRI of orbits and paranasal sinuses demonstrated the collagenous net and orbital soft tissues in good position. Retromarginal fractures of orbital floor in children are particular and differ from fractures of orbital floor in adults. In an adult extensive comminuted orbital floor fractures with herniation of the orb zlomenina, spodina očnice, 4leté dítě, léčba
eng Reconstruction of Orbital Floor Fracture in a 4-year old Child with use of Pelvicol - Case Report The most frequent fractures of orbital walls are those of orbital floor. Such fractures can be divided into transmarginal and retromarginal. There are two theories of etiology: hydraulic compression of the eyeball causes increase of intraorbital pressure and leads to a fracture of the thinnest bone (blow out) or force to lower orbital rim transfers pressure to the orbital floor and results in its fracture. A 4-year-old girl run in a garden and hit her face against an agricultural machine. There was no period of unconsciousness. Subsequently she started to bleed from her nose and a hematoma of the left lower eyelid and the left cheek appeared. A CT examination of orbits and paranasal sinuses in the coronal plane revealed a retromarginal fracture of the orbital floor with herniation of soft tissues into the maxillary antrum. An ophthalmologist did not find impaired visual acuity, movements of eyeballs were not restricted and the child did not report diplopia. After, remission of swellings, 6 th day after the injury, a surgery was performed. An incision was made transconjuctivally with a lateral canthotomy, bone fragments of the orbital floor and a tear of orbital periosteum were identified. No marginal fracture of orbit was found. Soft orbital tissues were elevated from the maxillar antrum and supported by an absorbable collagenous net (Pelvicol). The forced duction test prior to and after reduction proved the absence of extraocular restriction of ocular muscles. The incision was sutured. The child after surgery does not suffer any ailments, the visual acuity is not impaired, eyeballs movements are not restricted and diplopia is not present. The check MRI of orbits and paranasal sinuses demonstrated the collagenous net and orbital soft tissues in good position. Retromarginal fractures of orbital floor in children are particular and differ from fractures of orbital floor in adults. In an adult extensive comminuted orbital floor fractures with herniation of the orb Orbital Floor, Fracture, 4year Old Child, Therapy