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Our Experience with Cricothyroid Approximation in Transsexual Male to Female Patients (poster)
Autoři: Pellant Arnošt | Chrobok Viktor | et. al.
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Abstracts of the 6th Pan European Voice Conference PEVOC 6.
Název nakladatele: D.M. Howard., A. Abberton, J.S. Rubin
Místo vydání: London
Strana od-do: 103
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Naše zkušensoti s krikotyroidní aproximací u trnasexuálních nemocných "male to female" Příspěvek se týká vlastních zkušeností autorů s chirurgickou léčbou u 8 transsexuáních nemocných male to female zaměřených na techniku výkonu, komplikace i výsldky léčby.
eng Our Experience with Cricothyroid Approximation in Transsexual Male to Female Patients (poster) The authors evaluated their experiences with thyroplasty type IV (cricothyroid approximation) according to Isshiki in a group of eight transsexual male to female patients. All patients underwent preoperatively unsuccessful reeducation of the voice. Operations were performed in general anaesthesia in the period from November 2001 to March 2004. The age of patients varied between 24-41 years, the average age was 29,8 years. On the request of all patients reduction of the size of Adam´s apple were done. For elevation of thyroid and cricoid cartilages the suture material Chiraflon USP 1 was used. Compared to the classical Isshiki method, we used new technique of suture during thyroplasty typ IV, every suture was turned twice around the cricoid arch without perforating the cartilage and airways similar to Zeitels technique of cricothyroid subluxation. The authors tried to evaluate pre and post operative changes in position of thyroid and cricoid cartilage and the change in the length of vocal cords with use of MR imaging The fracture of the arch of the cricoid cartilage caused by drawing of thyroid and cricoid cartilage was observed in two patients and did not lead to any anatomical and functional problem. Functional results of operations, especially raise in the vocal pitch of the new female voice were encouraging. All patients, except the first one, decided for the operation after recommendation of the previously operatively treated patients. Cricothyroid Approximation;Indication;Operation Technigue;Results