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Our experience with thyroplasty type I (poster)
Autoři: Chrobok Viktor | Pellant Arnošt | et al.
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Abstracts of the 6th PanEuropean Voice Conference PEVOC 6, s. 171, ISBN: 1-905351-01-1
Název nakladatele: D.M.Howard, E.Abberton, J.S.Rubin
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Naše zkušenosti s tyroplastikou I.
eng Our experience with thyroplasty type I (poster) Medialisation of the vocal cord by the method of thyroplasty type I is a feasible phonosurgical treatment of dysphonia caused by unilateral vocal fold paralysis and atrophy or inadequate closure of the true glottis during phonation. The authors implemented thyroplasty type I in the modification of Harries and Morrison in a total of 43 patients in 1999-2003. In 5 patients of them the thyroplasty type I was combined with cricothyroid subluxation or adduction of arytenoid cartilage. The most frequent preoperative complaints were hoarseness and vocal fatigue. The complaint of dyspnoea when speaking was more frequent than dyspnoea during physical exertion. In postoperative subjective evaluation 36 patients reported substantial regression of their complaints, five patients reported partial improvement of their condition and only two patients reported that their condition did not change. A postoperative swelling in the laryngeal area did not cause in any of the patients dyspnoea during inspiration. The subjective evaluation was in the majority of patients consistent with findings of the preoperative and postoperative phoniatric examination (videolaryngostroboscopy, videokymography and voice analysis). The evaluation was less consistent in the change in the length of the maximal phonation time before and after surgery. The operation improved voice quality and dynamics of vocal folds vibrations. Detailed pre and postoperative phoniatric examination is an essential part of phonosurgical treatment. The authors consider thyroplasty type I (with or without cricothyroid subluxation or arytenoids adduction) as a phonosurgical method which gives great hope of substantial lessening of complaints in patients with unilateral paralysis or atrophy of vocal cord, while complications and failure of treatment are minimal. thyroplasty type I, phonosurgery - indications, results, phoniatrics care