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Píštěle labyrintu na podkladě chronického zánětu
Autoři: Chrobok Viktor | Pellant Arnošt | Pokorný Karel | et al.
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Sborník abstrakt 68. Kongresu České společnosti pro otorinolaryngologii a chirurgii hlavy a krku
Název nakladatele: MEDICA publishing, consulting
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cze Píštěle labyrintu na podkladě chronického zánětu Píštěle labyrintu na podkladě chronického zánětu
eng Labyrinthine Fistula and Cholesteatoma by the Otitis Media with Cholesteatoma A fistula of the bony labyrinth is the most common complication of chronic suppurative otitis media and is reported to occur in 4 ? 13% of cases. Labyrinthine fistulae are usually caused by cholesteatomas and can occur in any part of the labyrinth, although the lateral semicircular canal is the most commonly affected site (42 ? 94%). We made retrospective study from July 1997 to December 2002, we found 7 patients with labyrithine fistulae in 199 patients (131 male, 89 female) with 220 mastoidectomies. Six labyrinthine fistulae were found on lateral semicircular canal and one on superior semicircular canal. Subjective vertigo or dizziness were occured in 3 patients, the fistula test were positive in 2 patients and total sensorineural hearing loss in 2 patients. Four patients had no symptoms before surgery. We removed the matrix of cholesteatoma in all cases during surgery. Surgical removal of matrix over fistula should be performed at the end of the surgical procedure, by a skilled surgeon, after securing hemostasis, under high magnification, without direct suction of the labyrinth and with application of fascial graft to cover the fistula. Labyrinthine Fistula;Cholesteatoma;Diagnosis;Therapy