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Cricothyroid Approximation in Transsexual Patients ?Male to Female?
Autoři: Pellant Arnošt | Chrobok Viktor | et.al.
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: CD Abstracts of the XVIII IFOS World Congress
Název nakladatele: neuveden
Místo vydání:
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Naše zkušenosti s cricothyroidní aproximací u transsexuálních nemocných male to female Naše zkušenosti s cricothyroidní aproximací u transsexuálních nemocných male to female
eng Cricothyroid Approximation in Transsexual Patients ?Male to Female? The authors implemented thyroplasty type I in the modification of Harries and Morrison in a total of 43 patients in 1999-2003. In 5 patients of them the thyroplasty type I was combined with cricothyroid subluxation or adduction of arytenoid cartilage. The main attention is paid to the group of 8 transsexual male to female patients operated by the technique of cricothyroideal approximation (thyroplasty IV according to Isshiki). All 8 transsexual patients underwent preoperatively unsuccessful reeducation of the voice. The surgeries were performed in general anaesthesia in the period from November 2001 to March 2004. The age of patients varied between 24-41 years, the average age was 29,8 years. Functional results of the operation, especially raise the vocal pitch of the new female voice was encouraging. All patients, except the first one, decided for the operation after recommendation of the previously operatively treated patients. Phonosurgery;Thyroplasty IV;Results