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Measurement of Interfascial Pressure after Oncosurgical Operations ? Codman MicroSensor Basic Kit ? ICP Expres ? Preliminary Report
Autoři: Mejzlík Jan | Chrobok Viktor | Dobeš Daniel
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Abstract book,5th Workshop Czech-German
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Měření interfasciálního tlaku po onkochirurgických výkonech Měření interfasciálního tlaku po onkochirurgických výkonech
eng Measurement of Interfascial Pressure after Oncosurgical Operations ? Codman MicroSensor Basic Kit ? ICP Expres ? Preliminary Report Introduction: Experiences from the abdominal surgery and traumatology of limbs suggest that healing of wounds is significantly influenced by values of interfascial pressures in affected regions (compartments) of the human body. Authors try to apply this knowledge to non specific region of the neck in order to prevent compartment syndrome and are interested in possibility of monitoring of pressure in soft tissues after extensive oncosurgical operations in the neck region. Materials and methods: At the ENT department in Pardubice in the period from 7/2005 to 8/2005 an extended total laryngectomy and bilateral en bloc neck dissection was performed in two men with carcinoma of the larynx, stage T4 N3 M0. During operations measurement sensors Codman Microsensor were implanted, that were before used almost exclusively in the intensive medicine for monitoring of the intracranial hypertension. Sensors were connected to Intracranial Pressure monitor Codman ICP Express. Pressure in the soft tissues of the neck was monitored during two days. Conclusion: Because of small number of patients univocal conclusions can not be made. However, the method appears to be suitable and fulfils requirements for monitoring of the intratissular pressure set by authors so far. Its disadvantage is high acquisition cost. Compartment Syndrome;Neck Spaces;Interfascial Hypertension