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Mechanical Modeling and Dynamical Investigation of Hearing
Autoři: Pellant Karel | Mejzlík Jan | Dušek D
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Abstract book,5th Workshop Czech-German
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Mechanické modelování a dynamické vyšetřování sluchu Cílem příspěvku je přispět pomocí vyšetření na mechanickém modelu ucha při simulaci normálního sluchu a některých patologických stavů.
eng Mechanical Modeling and Dynamical Investigation of Hearing The aims of these investigations on complete finite-element ear model are the description of hearing process and the simulation of normal and pathological hearing. The real shape and real mechanical properties of human ear were used for the construction of FE model. The model takes in EAC, eardrum, ossicle chain with muscles and ligaments, oval and round window, cochlea with sacculus, Reissner and basilar membrane. The program system ANSYS was used for the creation of FE model, sound transfer function calculations between enter of the EAC and enter in the cochlea, the role of ossicle and acoustic coupling is discussed. Harmonic analysis for stimulating frequencies in the range of 250Hz to 10k Hz was applied for the studies of basilar membrane excitations and also to simulate the function of the cochlea as sound analyzer. The mechanics of hearing is discussed for normal and pathological situations like otosclerosis as well as reconstructed hearing with implants. This shall allow a coarse prediction of specific surgery effects and the improvement of passive and active middle ear implants. Hearing;Middle Ear;Finite Element System