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Compartment Syndrome in Neck Surgery
Autoři: Mejzlík Jan | Brožík Jan
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Abstract CD rom, XVIII IFOS World Congress
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Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Kompartment syndrom v chirurgii krku Kompartment syndrom v chirurgii krku
eng Compartment Syndrome in Neck Surgery Idea: Healing of surgical wounds on the head and neck especially in patients after oncosurgical operations involves many complications. Authors suggest that a part of complications is caused by an increase of intratissular pressure which leads to tissue ischemia at the capillary level ? so called compartment syndrome. Method: There are approximately 15 total laryngectomies, 30 revisions of lymph nodes and neck dissections, 5 resections of radix of the tongue, 5 wide excisions of oropharyngeal tumors and 25 other larger oncosurgical operations are performed per year at the department of Otorinolaryngology and head and neck surgery in Pardubice. Every year 50 thyroidectomies in average are done here. Results: Around 5 % of patients in the postoperative period suffer from early complications, depending on the type of surgery, such as healing per secundam, suppuration, wound dehiscence, pharyngocutaneous and pharyngotracheal fistulas. Treatment is expensive and patients suffer from a significant discomfort. Conclusion: Papers dealing with either the neck compartment syndrome or its possible relation with oncosurgery were not found in available literature. This is in the contrast with the fact that in such operations a ligation of major blood vessels, lymph vessels impairment, vacuum drainage or tight bandage may lead to a critical increase of intra-tissular pressure with subsequent tissue ischemia at the capillary level. Neck Compartment Syndrome;Interfascial Spaces