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Surgical procedure in bleeding into the upper GIT of peptic etiology that cannot be treated by endoscopy
Autoři: Havlíček Karel | Sákra Lukáš | Vyhnálek Petr | Kvasnička Jiří | Pellant Arnošt |
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: J. Kyoto Pref. Univ. Med.
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Kyoto
Místo vydání: Kyoto
Strana od-do: 467-476
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Chirugický přístu pro endoskopicky neztišitelné krvácení peptické etiologie Autoři se zabývají rozborem operací pro endoskopicky nsztišitelné krvácení do horního GIT. Endoskopie, peptický vřed, krvácení
eng Surgical procedure in bleeding into the upper GIT of peptic etiology that cannot be treated by endoscopy This work deals with the surgical solution of bleeding into the upper part of GIT that is of peptic etiology. It covers a 5-year period (from January 1, 1999 until October 1, 2003) during which the Regional Hospital in Pardubice admitted 1,310 patients with bleeding into the upper GIT of peptic etiology. Of those patients, 190 were admitted to the Surgical Clinic due to progressing hemorrhagic shock while the others were hospitalized at the Clinic of Internal Medicine. A total of 24 patients underwent acute surgery. In twelve of them BII stomach resection was carried out and in the other group of twelve other procedures were applied (uderrunig with trunkal vagotomy (3x), uderrunig and the ligation of the gastroduodenal artery (2x), proximal jejunum resection (1x), and uderrunig ccompanied with fundoplication according to Nissen-Rosseti (1x)). The authors compare the results obtained by individual approaches as well as associated complications. Melena, therapeutic endoscopy, peptic ulcer, stomach resection, vagotomy