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Tests of odor identification and pleasantness in Czech and Taiwan population.
Autoři: Vodička Jan | Faltejsková Michaela | Kučera Ondřej | Ťulpíková Petra
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: elektronická a audiovizuální tvorba
Název nakladatele: Elsevier DE
Místo vydání: Weisbaden
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Test čichové identifikace a libosti v české a taiwanské populaci. Cílem práce bylo zhodnotit zhodnocení libosti pachových látek v různých populacích. Bylo vyšetřeno 193 zdravých osob, 95 Čechů a 98 Taiwanců testem parfémovaných fixů (OMT), testem Sniffin´ Sticks (identifikace) a testem pachové libosti. Statisticky významný rozdíl byl zjištěn v bodovém zisku ve všech testech. Pouze některé pachové látky byly stejně označeny Čechy i Taiwanci. Hypotéza nezávislosti na národnosti nebyla zamítnuta, pouze pro skořici a jablko (OMT), pomeranč, kůži, skořici, mátu, banán, citrón, lékořici, kávu a ananas (Sniffin´Sticks) a pouze pro vodu a n-valerovou kyselinu (test libosti). Závěr: Nejmenší rozdíl v hodnocení pachu mezi oběma národy byl nalezen u testu Sniffin´Sticks (identifikace).
eng Tests of odor identification and pleasantness in Czech and Taiwan population. Introduction: Test of odor pleasantness seems to be easy to perform with valid outcome when it is performed in one nation. The question is whether evaluation of pleasantness will be the same or similar in different populations? Materials and method: In total 193 healthy people were tested, 95 Czech and 98 Taiwanese people. Mean ages of Czech and Taiwanese were 33.2 (standard deviation ?12.1) and 23.9 (?5.1), respectively. All participants were tested by Odourized Markers Test (OMT) first, then by Sniffin´ Sticks (Identification only) and finally by new olfactory test based on odour pleasantness. The last test is composed of 16 odorants, which have to be categorized by subjects as pleasant, neutral, unpleasant and very unpleasant. The hypothesis of independence on nationality for distribution of identification (OMT, Sniffin´ Sticks) and pleasantness rating were tested (Fisher´s exact test). Results: Statistical significant differences were found between nations in total score of OMT and Identification (Sniffin´ Sticks). In both tests Taiwanese scored worse. Proper name for all odorants in OMT were used by the subjects in Czech Republic and in Taiwan but yellow marker (citron by Czech and banana by Taiwanese). All of the odorants were identified properly in Sniffin´ Sticks test except apple (recognized as peach by most of the Taiwanese). N-butanol, acetyl acetate and diethylether were the only odorants differently evaluated in the test of odour pleasantness in both countries.The hypothesis of independence were not rejected for cinnamon and apple (OMT), orange, leather, cinnamon, peppermint, banana, lemon, liquorice, coffee and pineapple (Identification) and only for water and n-valeric acid (test of odour pleasantness). Conclution: The smallest difference in evaluation of odorants between both nations was found in Identification test (Sniffin´ Sticks). The degree of pleasantness of odorants showed great variability in both counties. Odourized Markers Test (OMT);Sniffin´ Sticks;Test of Odor Pleasantness.