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Awareness of the School Social Work among Social Workers in the Czech Republic
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Innovation and Resilience : Preparedness of Social Work Education in Uncertain Times : book of abstracts
Název nakladatele: European Association of Schools of Social Work
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Awareness of the School Social Work among Social Workers in the Czech Republic Introduction: The school has not only its educational function, but also its social function. Every one of us may face an adverse social situation due to many various circumstances. If the social difficulties aggravate the educational process, there is a school social worker within a multi-disciplinary team, who takes care of those student´s social problems. Social workers and health social workers are part of such a team in social and school facilities; they deal with the person’s social situation including his or her social environment. The position of school social worker is supported insufficiently and the concept of school social work is only gradually forming in the Czech Republic. Objective: To map the awareness of school social work among social workers and health social workers in selected social and school facilities. Method: The sample of respondents consisted of 127 social workers and 31 health social workers working in social and school facilities on the territory of four Bohemia Regions. The research study was conducted using own questionnaire and descriptive statistics were used to process the study results. Results: The profession of a school social worker is not known among respondents exactly. They miss the knowledge and its sources. At the same time, respondents consider the profession of school social worker as an underappreciated by society, which may have a detrimental effect to society as a whole. Due to the respondent´s practices, they consider the profession of school social worker necessary to become more widespread in the Czech Republic. They find it beneficial for both teachers and students. Respondents also welcome more cooperation between schools and social workers. Conclusion: The awareness of the school social work among social and health social workers is limited by their lower knowledge about this profession. The educational process faces certain barriers, which could be reduced by multi-disciplinary cooperation. Based on this study school social work; social work; health social worker; educational process