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Assessment instruments used for self-report of pain in stroke patients with communication problems: a scoping review
Autoři: Mandysová Petra | Klugarova´ Jitka | Matějková Iryna | Neeltje J. (Carolien) de Vries | Miloslav Klugar
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: JBI evidence synthesis
Strana od-do: 1-30
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nástroje hodnocení používané pro sebehodnoceni bolesti u pacienti po mozkové příhodě s komunikačními problémy: scoping review Nástroje hodnocení používané pro sebehodnoceni bolesti u pacienti po mozkové příhodě s komunikačními problémy: scoping review Abstraktní Cíl: Cílem tohoto přehledu bylo identifikovat nástroje hodnocení používané pro self-report bolesti u hospitalizovaných pacientu, kteří prodělali cévní mozkovou příhodu a kteří mají problémy s komunikací. Úvod: Hodnocení bolesti u různých skupin pacientů je věnováno značné pozornosti a existuje řada nástrojů pro hodnocení bolesti. Přesto neexistuje shoda ohledně toho, jaké nástroje pro hodnocení bolesti se používají k vlastnímu hlášení bolesti u pacientů s cévní mozkovou příhodou s komunikačními problémy. nástroje, bolest, pacient
eng Assessment instruments used for self-report of pain in stroke patients with communication problems: a scoping review Abstract Objective: The objective of this scoping review was to identify assessment instruments used for the self-report of pain by hospitalized patients who have had a stroke and who have communication problems. Introduction: Pain assessment in various patient groups has received considerable attention and a variety of pain assessment instruments exists. Nevertheless, there is a lack of consensus regarding which pain assessment instruments are used for self-report of pain in stroke patients with communication problems. Inclusion criteria: This review included articles that focused on hospitalized adults who have had a stroke, have communication problems attributable to a stroke, and describe the use of an assessment instrument for the self-report of pain. The scoping review considered systematic reviews, quantitative and qualitative studies, and mixed method studies. Methods: Ten databases were searched with a search limit of database inception to August 2020, using Embase as the key information source (it yielded 424 sources). Hand-searching of the references of the included articles yielded an additional 12 papers. Papers written in any language were considered. A data extraction table was created to record relevant information in line with the goals and results of each article, the sample studied, and the pain assessment instrument used. Results: Ten papers were included in the review, most of which were descriptive studies. Most papers were from the United Kingdom and the USA. The most common communication problem in stroke patients was aphasia. The participants received care in various hospital settings (eg, rehabilitation units, comprehensive stroke units, palliative care). Eleven different assessment instruments were identified. In most cases, the assessment instruments focused on assessing pain presence and pain intensity. The most frequently used unidimensional pain intensity instrument was the numerical rating scale. Four instruments were multidimensional pain, stroke, pacient