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Interfascial Pressure Monitoring in Head and Neck Oncology
Autoři: Mejzlík Jan
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: ostatní - sborník, kniha s editory
Název zdroje: Abstracts book 7. German-Czech ENT meeting in Jena/Bad Berka
Název nakladatele: Friedrich Schiller University
Místo vydání: Jena
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Monitorování nitrotkáňového tlaku krku u vybraných onkologických nemocných.
eng Interfascial Pressure Monitoring in Head and Neck Oncology Objectives: By monitoring interstitial pressure, we believe that it is possible to predict the development of compartment syndrome in patients after oncosurgical procedures of the neck. Study design: Prospective randomized study. Methods: The sample consists of 30 surgically treated patients with tumor(s) in the head and neck area. Ages ranged from 29-75 years (average age: 57.8, SD 12.6); 26 men and 4 women. During surgery, a silicone microchip sensor, the Codman Microsensor, was implanted into the soft neck tissues. The microchip sensor was used to measure interstitial pressure for 48 hours after surgery. A Codman ICP (Intracranial Pressure) Microsensor basic kit and a Codman Express (Codman ICP Monitoring System) were used for the measurements. Results: The range of pressures recorded in the tissues was 5.08-9.56 mmHg, (mean 7.3 SD 0.9). Maximum pressures were recorded 13-15 hours after surgery. The values present 21?34 hours after surgery correspond to nighttime hours and periods of sleep. Conclusions: The feasibility of interfascial pressure measurement in the neck area after extensive surgery to treat neck tumor illnesses was verified in a human clinical experiment along with its potential in predicting neck compartment syndrome development. Neck;Compartment;Syndrome.