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Competency Manager as a Very Useful Competency Management Tool
Rok: 2022
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: IDIMT-2022 Digitalization of Society, Business and Management in a Pandemic
Název nakladatele: Johannes Kepler Universität
Místo vydání: Linz
Strana od-do: 313-321
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Manažer kompetencí jako velmi užitečný nástroj pro řízení kompetencí Softwarová aplikace Manažer kompetencí byla pro Nemocnice Pardubického kraje, a.s. implementována na základě licenční smlouvy v roce 2021. Tato aplikace vznikla jako výstup projektu Technologické agentury ČR: Kompetentní sestra 21. století realizovaného v letech 2019-2021. Nemocnice Pardubického kraje byly do projektu zapojeny jako supervizor aplikace. softwarová aplikace; kompetence; řízení; ošetřovatelství
eng Competency Manager as a Very Useful Competency Management Tool The Competency Manager provides competency management in relation to the holder in accordance with the standards of safe and quality health care providing. The application is created based on the competency model of a general nurse. The model meets the required standards of the quality and safe health care within the hospital quality certification. The competency model is based on the range of competencies of each general nurse providing health care in connection with the profession, the development and long-life education within the hospital mission. The application is intended for all professional groups of hospital staff and has been implemented in the hospital intranet environment. The Competency Manager software application was implemented for the Hospitals of the Pardubice Region (Nemocnice Pardubického kraje, a.s.) under the license agreement in 2021. The Competency Manager application was created as a result of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic project: The Competent Nurse of 21st Century conducted in 2019-2021. The Hospitals of the Pardubice Region were involved in the project as an application supervisor. software application; competency; management; nursing