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Barriers to School Success of Children in Foster Care in the Context of Their Health
Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: ostatní - článek ve sborníku
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Barriers to School Success of Children in Foster Care in the Context of Their Health Introduction: Foster care faces various challenges in meeting the needs of vulnerable children, such as improving the quality of their health care, well-being and education. Aim: Identify the barriers to school success of school children in foster care from the perspective of their foster parents and compare the evaluation of individual barriers to school success of children in groups of respondents who have or do not have a child with a mental illness in their foster care. Method: The authors conducted a questionnaire survey in the Czech Republic with a selected sample of respondents (n=102) who were foster parents having in their foster care children attending primary school in the Pardubice region. Correlation and cluster analysis were used to evaluate the data. The nonparametric Mann Whitney test was used for statistical testing of the hypothesis. Results: The results show the barriers to school success of school children in foster care during their inclusion in the class collective, in experiencing nervousness, internal tension and maintaining attention during lessons. School children in foster care with mental health problems are exposed to barriers to school success in higher intensity than healthy children in foster care, based on their foster parents’ evaluation. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, non-profit organizations providing health and social counseling to foster parents and school facilities, are supposed to focus on topics that deepen the knowledge of foster parents and professionals in schools to support school success and well-being of children in foster care. foster care; mental health; school difficulties; school success